German Expressionists and the Third Reich exhibition at the Holt Festival

Event date: 13 - 27 July 2024


Three Young Girls in Profile, Otto Mueller

“A ruthless war of cleansing against the last elements of our cultural decomposition”
— Adolf Hitler, German Art Exhibition, Berlin 1937

ncas members were treated to a fascinating and insightful tour of the German Expressionists and the Third Reich exhibition at the Holt Festival by its curator, James Glennie. 

Narrating the story of Hitler’s purge of modernist art - principally expressionist art - which was deemed degenerate or "entartete kunst", Glennie brought to life the fear and loathing generated by the then ruling government and the fate of many affected artists. 


Between 1937 and 1939, it is thought that about 21,000 objects were removed from German state collections and either sold off in 1939 or disposed of through private dealers. About 5,000 items were secretly burned in Berlin later that year. 


ncas members were able to enjoy Glennie's carefully curated collection of paintings, books and pamphlets from notable artists including Adler, Blumenfield, Ehrlich, Ernst, Mueller, Lieberman and Schwitters close at hand.

For those wishing to explore this period in more detail, a new comprehensive publication German Expressionism – The Leicester Museum and Galleries, is available from the Leicester Museum.  

ncas are extremely grateful to James Glennie for his time and expertise in bringing this troubling but fascinating period to life.


James Glennie