Cromer Artspace on the Prom shines a light in the February dark

ncas Trustees Janey Bevington and Danusia Wurm were warmly welcomed by Ruth Brumby and other members of the Cromer Artspace team, local painters and supporters, at the formal re-opening of the beautifully refurbished Cromer Artspace on the Prom.


Ruth Brumby with Steff Aquarone MP


Thanks to funding from Ørsted and the North Norfolk Rural Business & Community Grant, the Cromer Artspace has been given a new lease of life, including lighting and heating, enabling a greater range of art and art based activities and lengthening the time the building can be used into the evenings and the winter.

For details of Cromer Artspace's exciting 2025 programme of events, click here

Alan Walters, ncas Patron: Teaching History through Paintings

Event date: 29 January 2025
Review by Janey Bevington


Elements Panel 5. Climate-Society Interactions 1850-2020 by Gennadiy Ivanov


Alan’s beautifully illustrated talk led us through history using artists of the day as a reference at every step.

For many of us it threw light on the meaning of the word ‘Contemporary’ and we came away with the realisation of how art of its time has manipulated our ideas of history as we know it today. Contemporary applies to any piece of art that has been created in its day.

Alan’s carefully chosen illustrations obliged us to reflect on how, before man’s ability to write, his drawings and sketches are all we had to record life. Artists had the power to manipulate our understanding.

This unusual approach to art gave members an enlightened look on many aspects of what art, through the ages, has given to our world.

ncas thank Alan very much for giving up his time to talk to us about what we know is one of his favourite subjects.


Right to left: ncas Patron Alan Walters and ncas Chairman Chris Mardell


A feast for the eyes: films from the Mike Toll Film Archive

Event date: 16 January 2025
Review by Danusia Wurm


Audience at the Mike Toll Film Archive screening, Blake Studio

What a superb evening we shared last night

The first of ncas’ 2025 events kicked off with wonderful evening held in association with Norwich 20 Group, screening films on Bernard Reynolds, Kathleen MacFarlane and Brüer Tidman from the Mike Toll Film Archive.

Mike was a practising artist and inspirational teacher who was passionate about furthering the arts in Norfolk. A member of Norwich 20 Group – where he was twice Chairman – he was instrumental in setting up the Contact Gallery in Norwich which provided exhibition space for local artists. On retirement, he threw himself with renewed energy into making films of different local artists’ practice. After his death in 2018, ncas and Norwich 20 Group transferred Mike’s VHS tapes into a more usable digital format. They now form part of the Norwich City Archives.

Although the films were mostly made in the 1980s and 1990s, they remain remarkably fresh reflecting the passion, work ethic and intellect of all three artists. Mike cleverly allowed ample space for them to tell their stories, supporting the narrative with well-researched stills and other film material.

The films were prefaced with superb vignettes of each artist by Keith Roberts former ncas Chairman.

Given the very positive audience reaction to the evening, we hope to screen other films from the Mike Toll Archive later in the year.

Watch this space for details!


Works by Bernard Reynolds


Works by Kathleen MacFarlane


Works by Brüer Tidman

ncas wishes to thank the Norwich School for their continued support and hospitality.


ncas Small Grants Awards: new Round

We are delighted to announce that we are now inviting applications for the next round of the ncas Small Grants scheme.

The current deadline is Friday 28 February 2025 at midnight. To apply please go to the Small Grants page. Please read the guidance for applicants before applying. 

Animation can be everything. Jon Dunleavy and Robin Fuller

Event date: 6 November 2024
Review by Danusia Wurm


In a richly illustrated talk, artist and educator Jon Dunleavy discussed the multidisciplinary nature of animation - an artform not a genre – which uses a range of mediums and crafts in order to explore and reflect the world we live in.

Jon is an award-winning film maker and Course Leader for BA Animation and VFX courses at Norwich University of The Arts. His work spans many genres from comedy, to poetry driven films, horror, fantasy, with his latest satirical examination of AI art tools, Two Gracious Uncles Smooched to the Beat, winning a British Animation Award, 2004. The film is a philosophical debate on the legitimacy of art created by A.I. tools, as told through the medium of silliness. It discusses to what extent A.I. can produce new ideas, and if it can capture the genuine inventiveness that we celebrate in man-made artworks.


Robin Fuller is a Senior Lecturer on Animation & Visual Effects at Norwich University of the Arts. He is a multidisciplinary artist specialising in storytelling via moving image, interactive and immersive media.

Robin comes from a background of industry practice, working as a freelance director and animator in the animation and VFX industry before moving into immersive technology as a creative director. Robin is also an advocate of maintaining wellbeing alongside creativity and regularly leads meditation workshops to help others facilitate their own practice.


Left to Right: Jon Dunleavy, Robin Fuller and Chris Mardell (ncas Chair)


Friends and Family. Richard Calvocoressi in conversation with Carl Rowe

Event date: 16 October 2024
Review by Carl Rowe


Richard Calvorcoressi in conversation with Carl Rowe. Background photo by Richard Deakin


The painter Lucian Freud would have been 100 years old in 2022. This occasion was marked by a major exhibition at the National Gallery in London, as well as numerous smaller events exploring aspects of Freud’s work.

Gagosian gallery adopted a different approach, presenting key works of Freud alongside those of fellow painters Frank Auerbach, Francis Bacon and Michael Andrews. Richard Calvocoressi, Senior Curator at Gagosian was inspired by an iconic, albeit technically flawed photograph of the four artists taken by the photographer John Deakin at Wheeler’s Restaurant, Soho, London in 1963.

Calvocoressi chose Friends and Relations as the title for this exhibition, a survey of all four painters explored through their friendships, influences, family, lovers, and London, unified by their shared devotion to painting the human form.


Richard Calvocoressi CBE appears to come from a different era, a time of exquisite manners and elegant intellect. His opening words at the talk Friends and Relations provided a brief overview of his notable contributions to museum and gallery work.

His curatorial work at Gagosian is concerned with historical contexts, but in hisopening dialogue he identified key evolutionary moments in contemporary art, relating the London artworld of the 20th Century with its contemporary direction populated by influential characters, markets and dissemination. He understands the seismology of the art business. And this is important, because his insight into the work of Freud, Auerbach, Bacon and Andrews also extends beyond the artefacts and into relationships, the artworld, and the fabric of urban society.

Through Friends and Relations, Calvocoressi has arranged notable artworks by truly great artists, in such a way as to tell a broader, richer, more intersectional story. A narrative that the works might hint at individually, but not entirely reveal in isolation.


Gagosian has produced a short film, which provides the viewer with a walk through the exhibition. This was projected onto the screen for everyone to see, and Richard paused at points to talk about the works. Through his deceptively conversational narration, he revealed facts, connections, cause and effect. The blurred web of attraction and rejection spun around these four artists was made clearer by him.

Calvocoressi has considered the grainy, blurred photograph that Deakin took at Wheeler’s in 1963, and has sharpened it, coloured it and reprinted it. We all benefitted from this reprint by virtue of his talk.


ncas would like to thank Richard and Carl for a wonderfully informative and entertaining evening.


Geoffrey Lefever 1932 - 2024

ncas are sad to announce the death of Geoffrey Lefever.

Geoffrey was born in London. He moved to Norfolk in 1963, and lived and worked here ever since. He has been a member of Norwich 20 Group since 1965, and a very long-standing ncas member.

A fascinating and multi-talented man with many interests, he completed a BA Hons in Fine Art as a mature student at Norwich School of Art in 1983, and an MA in Fine Art at Nottingham Trent University in 2004. He was a Chartered Civil Engineer, and a specialist structural engineer. He was also a qualified glider pilot, and a photographer.

ncas was privileged to sponsor and curate an exhibition of his works Geoffrey Lefever: a Retrospective at 90 at the Crypt Gallery Norwich in 2022.

We will miss his warmth and passion.

We send our deepest sympathies to Geoffrey and Jane’s families.

Brüer Tidman 1939 - 2024

ncas is sad to announce the death of artist Brüer Tidman

Brüer was born in Rackheath, Norwich, moved to Great Yarmouth at an early age and continued to live and work there until he died this week. Brüer trained initially at Great Yarmouth College of Art before going to the Royal College of Art in the early 60s, just at the same time as Hockney, the Young Contemporaries and pop art were riding high in swinging London. Brüer retained his deep roots in the Western figurative tradition, underpinned by his exceptional graphical skills. He exhibited widely, including in London, Amsterdam, Zurich, Manchester, Cambridge, Finland and Belgium and his work is held in several public collections including Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery.

The paintings are often large in scale and in general reflect sharply on the ambiguity, joy and pain of human relationships. Motifs often reflect the classic subjects of artist and model, the nude, mother and child. Composed with a classical eye, the colours of his canvases are there for their maximal emotional impact. His technique is masterly, handling glazed layers of pigments, and different kinds of paint, with aplomb, while never losing his underlying skills as a draughtsman.

He has produced notable series of related works, including a remarkable series, starting in the 80s, of Circus Ring paintings and drawings, all produced from live observation locally at the circus at the Hippodrome in Yarmouth. Other series include the Night Shelter series, a series reflecting on the artist’s model as muse and a series of poignant paintings that celebrate his mother. Tidman had an unusually close and loving relationship with his mother, Charlotte, constructed around a bond of complicity forged when they fled together, and forever, when he was about nine or ten, from his father. This bond continued to tighten throughout their subsequent lives, ending finally with her death a few years ago at the age of 98. The mother as artist’s muse is not a common one in Western art, which makes this emotional, loving and cathartic series all the more important. From his early exquisite pencil drawings of her, usually around the kitchen table, the artist has documented and explored their relationship in a way that has few precedents. 

Tidman’s passion for painting was in part ignited by the circus and the theatre. ncas members and others were privileged to enjoy an exhibition of his works at his Great Yarmouth studio in December 2023, followed by a trip to the Hippodrome Circus.

A member of a group of Great Yarmouth artists (the Yarmouth Five) including Katarzyna Coleman, Bridget Heriz, John Kiki and Emrys Parry, Brüer also established himself with his international reputation and identity. In 2022 Bruer was delighted to be commissioned to produce a portrait of the Lord Mayor of the City of London. His work was featured in all the publicity for the Lord Mayor of the City of London Show, a reflection of his long-standing relationship with the Lord Mayor and his wife.

A long-standing ncas member, Brüer's work was featured in ncas Port-2-Port exhibition in 2019.

We send our deepest sympathies to Brüer's family.

Talk by glass sculptor David Reekie

Event date: 19 September 2024
Review by Danusia Wurm


The Wall Between Us, David Reekie

Life becomes a spectacle and, if you happen to be an artist, you record the passing show
— Henry Miller, Tropic of Capricorn.

David Reekie has always relished recording “the passing show”.

Born and raised in the post WW2 East End of London, Reekie was naturally curious and drawn to art from an early age. He attended Stourbridge College of Art in the late 60s and lectured for 10 years at North Staffordshire Polytechnic before moving to Norfolk where he set up his studio in 1986.

Initially, his artistic work solely centered on glass casting and construction and became very architectural. He first introduced the human figure to his work to give a sense of scale; this later developed into providing a narrative to the pieces. And what a narrative!


A central theme of Reekie’s work is the threat that modern life poses to our individuality and to the natural world. “We live in a world that grows more complex and difficult to comprehend. It has tensions and temptations that pull us in different directions. This creates characters and situations that provide a constant source of material from which I take my ideas”.

The resulting work, brilliantly conveying all aspects of the human condition, is quirky, funny and thought provoking as Reekie works in the tradition of political caricature and satire typified by William Hogarth and Honore Daumier.  Other sources of inspiration include James Gillray, cartoonist for The Independent, David Brown, and the American political cartoonist, Matt Wuerker. Reekie also uses images from newspaper photos. “Why not?  They do the work for you”.


Reekie’s work is technically complex combining glass, wood and clay. Initial detailed drawings are key and inform all his work. “They are the beginning where I have time to think”. His method involves mould and lost wax casting. He has also developed the use of ceramic enamel colours that he uses on glass and mould surface to create effects that mirror his drawings.

As a commentator on the human condition, Reekie’s work unashamedly mines rich seams in the UK and wider world. Take an early example, the Thatcher years, particularly the miners’ strike of 1984 and the consequent societal disruption; also the Blair-Bush relationship. More recently Reekie has turned to the difficult themes of migration, as seen in his works Strangers and Displaced; and climate change The Bigger Picture.

His work The Wall Between Us was on display at the talk.

ncas would like to thank David for his thoughtful and richly illustrated talk and the Norwich School for hosting this event in their Blake Studio.

Different People, David Reekie


Review by ncas trustee Danusia Wurm