Event date: 29 January 2025
Review by Janey Bevington
Elements Panel 5. Climate-Society Interactions 1850-2020 by Gennadiy Ivanov
Alan’s beautifully illustrated talk led us through history using artists of the day as a reference at every step.
For many of us it threw light on the meaning of the word ‘Contemporary’ and we came away with the realisation of how art of its time has manipulated our ideas of history as we know it today. Contemporary applies to any piece of art that has been created in its day.
Alan’s carefully chosen illustrations obliged us to reflect on how, before man’s ability to write, his drawings and sketches are all we had to record life. Artists had the power to manipulate our understanding.
This unusual approach to art gave members an enlightened look on many aspects of what art, through the ages, has given to our world.
ncas thank Alan very much for giving up his time to talk to us about what we know is one of his favourite subjects.
Right to left: ncas Patron Alan Walters and ncas Chairman Chris Mardell