ncas Policy on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

There is an important new EU legal deadline (GDPR) on the 25th May, when all charities and other organisations have to update the way they handle people’s personal data. NCAS already complies with this legislation. When you join ncas we simply record your name and contact details and keep these on a database. This database is kept solely in order to send you our ncas programme and newsletter, and to email you about strictly ncas-related events. We interpret your decision to join ncas to mean that you want to be sent this material. We neither share your data nor sell your data to others. We are very clear that you always have the right to opt out of receiving our communications at any time by emailing our administrator, who can also remind you of the data that we do hold about you.

Your data is held by our administrator in a password-protected file and is removed if, after reminders, you do not renew your membership, or if you ask for your membership to cease.