Geoffrey Lefever 1932 - 2024

ncas is sad to announce the death of Geoffrey Lefever 

Geoffrey Lefever

Geoffrey was born in London. He moved to Norfolk in 1963, and lived and worked here ever since. He has been a member of the Norwich 20 Group since 1965, and a very long-standing ncas member.

A fascinating and multi-talented man with many interests, he completed a BA Hons in Fine Art as a mature student at Norwich School of Art in 1983, and an MA in Fine Art at Nottingham Trent University in 2004. He was a Chartered Civil Engineer, and a specialist structural engineer. He was also a qualified glider pilot, and a photographer. 

ncas was privileged to sponsor and curate an exhibition of his works Geoffrey Lefever: a Retrospective at 90 at the Crypt Gallery Norwich in 2022. 

We will miss his warmth and passion.

We send our deepest sympathies to Geoffrey and Jane's families.