Bridget Bailey: Art in the Making

Event date: 31 January 2024
Review by Danusia Wurm


Bridget Bailey. Image courtesy of


‘‘I’d love to be thought of as a sort of textile Darwin, exploring nature and recording and translating what I learn into materials and making”

Bridget Bailey

“Wow” is a very small word to sum up the enthusiastic reaction to Bridget Bailey’s talk, organised jointly by ncas and the Norwich School, to a full house at the Blake Studio.

Brought up in North Yorkshire with an inherent passion for the natural landscape, Bridget’s career has evolved from textiles, through millinery, and into artworks over the 40 years she has been “making”. 

Her fragile artworks and sculptures combine intense observation and intricate making, with the down-to-earth approach to life and death of an allotment gardener.

From the fragile rolled edge of a tiny pea pod to the sleek plumpness of the humble worm, Bridget creates work of breathtaking delicacy and beauty.

ncas are grateful to The Norwich School for kindly hosting this event as part of ncas’ talks programme at their excellent Blake Studio.